Perpetuity Care
Life can be unpredictable. None of us knows how long we have. None of us knows whether we may be incapacitated or unable to care for ourselves or our loved ones. One thing we do know is that we all want what’s best for our pets. What will happen to your pets if something unexpected happens to you?
According to the ASPCA, two to three percent of all pets end up at shelters due to the death or disability of their owners. While shelters do all they can to care for these pets, the situation can be quite disorienting and traumatic for the animals involved, particularly if they’re seniors. Making matters worse, some shelters routinely euthanize senior pets shortly after intake. The sad truth is that most adopters will not take these senior pets.
Having a perpetuity care plan for your pets can significantly improve their quality of life if and when you are no longer able to care for them. Please take the time to make arrangements for your pets. It is so critically important for their wellbeing, yet frequently overlooked.
Leashes End recommends that you first try to find a close friend or family member to care for your pet if you are unable to do so. Make sure they understand what you’re asking of them and that they agree to care for your pet. Name them as your pet’s caregiver in your estate planning. And provide them with the financial resources, veterinary records, and instructions necessary for your pet’s care.
If a friend or family member just isn’t able or available to carry out this most important promise to your pet, there are other options. Leashes End is one of them. We have adopted the following policy for those who wish to entrust the care of their senior or special needs pets to us.
Perpetuity Care Policy
For our comprehensive perpetuity care policies and procedures please download the linked file below. If you have questions, would like additional information about Leashes End, or would like to set up a tour of our sanctuary, please contact [email protected] for details.
Thank you for thinking of Leashes End and for caring so much about your pet.