Are you Looking for a way to help senior cats and dogs?
There are so many ways to help and they are limited only by our imaginations. While donations are always welcome, they are merely the tip of the iceberg! We’ve listed a few ideas here.
Are you looking for a rewarding way to spend your time while giving back to your community and earning the adoration and cuddles of senior cats and dogs? We can use volunteers to sit with some of our senior pets and help maintain their environment. Do you have other skills that could help us out? Are you a grant writer? a social media guru? a dog walker? a groomer? Drop us a line and let us know how you can help! Contact [email protected].
Volunteers will be asked to:
1. Sign a waiver, and
2. Take two computer based classes. To enroll in the classes, create an account at Maddie’s Fund
Then take the following two classes:
Shelter and Rescue Training – Canine
Shelter and Rescue Training – Feline
Please bring your signed waiver and copies of your course certificates with you to volunteer orientation.
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old or accompanied by a responsible adult. Contact Kathy at [email protected] to find an orientation session that works for you.

Spread the Word

We’re a small and relatively new organization. As such, getting the word out about us is essential! Please help us by following us, liking and sharing our posts, and leaving us comments on social media. Leashes End actively posts to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Why not leave us a review on Google while you’re at it? And let’s not forget about good old fashioned word of mouth. Please tell your friends and neighbors about us! You’d be surprised at how important it is to be known. We’re very proud of our sanctuary and want the world to know!
Facbook or Instagram Fundraiser
Are you an shopper? So are we! As good stewards of our resources, we’re always hunting for the best deals we can get on food and supplies. Frequently, those deals are at Plus, we love Chewy’s business ethic. Next time you’re shopping, why not check out our Wish List. With nearly 30 senior animals in the house, we need all the help we can get! They’re always hungry! 🙂
Are you an shopper? So are we! As good stewards of our resources, we’re always hunting for the best deals we can get on food and supplies. Frequently, those deals are at Next time you’re shopping, why not check out our Wish List. You can use the link provided or navigate to our link through your account by accessing your own Wish List page and searching for “Leashes End” under “Your Friends.” Then, if you feel like sending us some pee pads or a box of cat food, we would be super appreciative!
Meaningful Change
This is one of my FAVORITES and it’s a great way for young kids to help! If you’re like me, you have jars and charity boxes just brimming with loose change around your house and office. But what can you do with it? Most banks won’t accept it unless you sort and roll it. But did you know that you can redeem your loose change in any CoinStar machine (found in most supermarkets) for an gift card and skip the fees? If you then wish to donate your gift card to Leashes End, just email us the alphanumeric code. It all adds up to significant savings for us. We’ll turn your loose change into meaningful change for our seniors!
As lovers of delicious coffee and adorable dogs, Leashes End has found a kindred spirt in Grounds & Hounds! When you shop using discount code “LeashesEnd” you’ll get 15% off your first order. Leashes End will receive a 10% donation from new customer orders and 5% from any ongoing orders! At Leashes End we’ve been rocking the Rescue Roast and Morning Walk to kick off the day! Also, you can’t beat their coffee mugs and other accessories! All Grounds & Hounds green coffee 100% fair trade, organic, Arabica, specialty grade coffee sourced from the top growing regions around the world, and then small batch roasted to create the perfect beans for the perfect brew. 20% of all profits generated by Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. are used to fund innovative and impactful rescue programs throughout the country. They strive to support the hard-working organizations and volunteers who fight for our friends day in and day out, and we promise to deliver an amazing cup of coffee along the way!

Is your employer a member of CSR Connect? If so, you may be able to support Leashes End through this payroll program … and you may be eligible for corporate matching of your gift! CSRconnect, YourCause’s philanthropic and corporate social responsibility platform, makes it easy for corporations to manage employee giving programs of all shapes and sizes. From year-round matching gifts program to an annual pledge campaign, or even a hybrid of the two, they provide professionals with tools to help engage all of their employees.